The music of Nishi Rajan

The music of Nishi Rajan


Born in New Delhi, India to Malayalee parents from Kerala, Nishi Rajan moved with her family to New York when she was five and quickly found her voice – from singing in church until she was singing for the world. Her music has been played throughout Canada, London, Japan, India, Malaysia and America.

But this globalization is not just a mark of her reach – it is her most defining factor and one she does not shy away from. Even her earliest work experimented with both Indian and American styles; Release Me was first performed live in Washington DC for 120-million on radio and TV's Voice of America - Border Crossings.

Release Me (Radio Play)

Her newest dance single, Steal Your Heart Away is another seductive blend of influences. "My music is a mix of rock, pop and Indian-American dance fusion," she says. 

Steal Your Heart Away

And previously, she recorded the single Story II – the  key track of an American independent live-action retelling of the popular Japanese show Sailor Moon.  This song became the number one most downloaded song by a female solo artist on CdBaby.

Story II

It is that very multiculturalism that defines all her work. In 2014 she combined them in her original musical The Rajah's Son & Princess Labam. This modern musical based on an ancient fairy tale used a cast of 35 to showcase the beauty of Indian culture, Indian life, folktale, music and dance. Part American-pop and part Indian-dance the music was equally Broadway and Bollywood. 

And her next big project? The classic American tale of Salem, Massachusetts. Retold – of course.

photos courtesy of Nishi Rajan



The Top of The Mountain

The Top of The Mountain